Sunday, February 22, 2015

Announcements and New Information:Important!


Currently tonight, ASL For Life has a total of 32 followers and 3,617 views on Google+.  I am very happy to announce this!

Questions? Suggestions? Contact At:

Something else I would also like to mention is that for those of you who have questions about deaf culture, sign language, and more, or perhaps even a suggestion or two, we now have an e-mail for you to e-mail such things to.  The e-mail is on the right side of the blog, but I will put it on this post anyways.

Facebook and YouTube

Also, in case some of you may not know, ASLFL has a Facebook Group that you may ask for approval to join, and a YouTube Channel.  I appreciate any subscriptions to the channel or anyone who wants to join the group! 

The YouTube Channel has all videos that are uploaded.  Subscribing is appreciated.

In the Facebook Group, there are videos and information about sign language, deaf culture, and more! There are questions and polls to test your knowledge, and documents about things such as ASL format as well as links to all the ASL videos I have on YouTube.  Is the group link, but all the information for this and the YouTube Channel is on the right side of the blog.

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