

Classifiers are used to describe, represent the object, or show how the object moves.  There are several classifiers, I'll write a few of these in bullet points first.

  • CL:CC - This classifier is for larger objects, with both hands in the shape of C's. A ball.
  • CL:3  - This classifier is most often used for vehicles.
  • CL:C - Used for objects that are thick and round.
  • CL:C Modified (Just your index finger and thumb) - Used for smaller C shaped things like a pancake.
  • CL:B - Flat objects like rooftops, tabletops, or the floor.
  • CL:F - Much smaller shaped objects like a coin.
  • CL:V (Upside down V) - Used to represent a person. 
There are many more classifiers of course, and as time goes by I will add more pages of them!

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